I never did catch up on the Bitcoin. Being in the IT sector professionally, I do understand some of the technical principles of how bitcoins are produced, validated and recorded. But the utility and the pricing of it - is not something that I could understand. From the at end of 2020 the Bitcoin price is going up very steeply: With friend we were discussing this move. With this blog I want to summarise my initial thoughts Upside The most obvious to me is that the coronavirus 2020 year showed that big and powerful countries would print money more and more to try to stimulate their economy - US, EU and Japan come to mind. So they are inflating the fiat currencies they issue. It seems they could get away without massive inflation, because oil and gold transacts wordwide in US dollars, and because the reserve currencies in most word countries is US or EU issued money. So gold and bitcoin is perceived as store of value, since bitcoin generation is very well layout and limi...