Scrapping the timeline of a Facebook page
Have you ever wandered how to get all the timeline posts for a given Facebook page. And by all - I mean all of them until the very first post that was created about the page. Including all the comments, and replies on the comments. Including all the likes on the posts, comments and replies.. and not just the number of the likes, but even the user who made the like. If you are admin of the page, you can access all the posts, even the ones that are hidden, gated or restricted. But if you are not admin, still you can access all the public ones. To work with the Facebook Graph API you need an application. With the application you could get a user access token, or just for trying things out - you could get the App ID and App Secret from app dashboard in the FB developers at: /dashboard/ Facebook Graph API is a mesh of object with links between them. To access the timeline posts for a page we start from the page itself. Lets take for an example th...